>and SC7 does not sort by artists if an album has differing TPE1 tracks
>on it.  in that case, it uses its own internal logic to classify it as
Which for most people is normally the correct behavior.  Most albums ripped 
from a CD with info obtained from an internet music source will have the same 
artist for each song, unless the album is specifically a various artist album.

For people who want to further refine their albums/song metadata, they can 
define different artists on an album, and set compilation=0, which will force 
one of the artists to be chosen as the album artist.  Or the Album Artist can 
be overridden by setting an ALBUMARTIST tag.

>what is Nb?
Short for "note:".

>what is CustomBrowse?
One of a set of third-party plugins written by Erland, which provide different 
ways of organising/browsing your music collection.

>yes, i have all my TPE2 tags organized to sort things where i want
You don't mean sort.  Or maybe you do, but you are wrong.  If you truly mean 
sort by BAND, then songs with no BAND would not sort correctly.

What you mean is you have set TPE2 (BAND) to group all songs to appear under 
one artist on the album (which is not what TPE2 is meant to do, and not what 
the SqueezeCenter scanner does).  If there were an option to do this for you, 
then the songs on the album would appear under that artist.  That doesn't 
define a sort as such, the artist will be sorted by whatever sorting title 
attribute that artist may have.  Eg. under "B" (not "T") if it where "The 

Every song appears on an album, and every album has an artist.  The artist 
associated with an album is an album artist, and that is what the browse by 
artists list shows, sorted by the artist sort title.

>when i browse artwork via artist, year, album, i want my albums to sort
>via the info that SC7 calls BAND, namely the TPE2 tags in my files.
No you don't; that doesn't make sense.  Every album has an album artist, and 
therefore you can create a list of artists from the set of album artists.  But 
not all albums will have a Band, and not all songs on an album may have the 
same Band, so it's not feasible.

>whats the difference between browse by band and sort by band?
If it existed, Browse by band would list all albums that have songs that have a 
band tag set.  The list could be sorted by anything else you fancied; sorted by 
band would make most sense, but other sort ordering could be feasible.

Sort by band suggests some other list of things, of which they are sorted by 

The way forward that makes most sense is to have another setting option for the 
scanner, to tell it to set Album Artist to the content of any TPE2 tag when the 
library is scanned.  I suggest that this sets Album Artist only and not also 
the Band contributor for the song, but maybe people would want both.  
SqueezeCenter itself would remain exactly the same; you have a way of correctly 
setting Album Artist.

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