Philip Meyer;289956 Wrote: 
> That's a good concise summary.  I'll try to respond with a bit of
> knowledge based on my investigations (which I did during SC7 beta
> testing, and added to bug 6490).
> Firstly, how contributors are scanned from tags and stored in database
> tables:

i'm sorry, but you'll have to bear with me...  please define
contributors.  TPE2 only?  or what?  do user defined tags get to be
contributors too?

Philip Meyer;289956 Wrote: 
> The scanner finds all contributors for all songs, based on supported
> tags for the file type, and stores:
> A distinct list of contributors (contributors table).
> A one-to-many link table between songs and contributors
> (contributor_track table).
> A single album contributor in the album table (album table, contributor
> column).
> An album record can have exactly one contributor, which is determined
> using the following rules:
> 1. If an album artist tag is stored on the songs, the album is not
> flagged as a compilation and the album artist is stored as album
> contributor.

here is where you really start to confuse me.  can you please use
snarlys convention of writing BAND or ALBUMARTIST in caps and without
the space when you mean SC7 internal tags?  (not saying you didn't,
just making sure)

now, above, when you say album artist tag in the songs, i'm sure you
realize id3 has no standard for that.  so you are talking about when
someone with mp3s has used a workaround to put such tags in there,

in other words, a Txxx tag or user defined tag.

that means anyone not using a workaround is screwed right off the bat.

Philip Meyer;289956 Wrote: 
> 2. If an album has songs by different artists, or a song has more than
> one contributing artist, or the songs are tagged as a compilation, the
> album is flagged as a compilation, and the album artist is "Various
> Artists".

right, and this happens in spite of the fact that many mp3 users have
set TPE2 to avoid this very issue.  but SC7 doesn't give an option to
employ TPE2 the way most apps use it.

Philip Meyer;289956 Wrote: 
> 3. All songs on an album have the same contributing song artist, so that
> artist is used as the album artist.
> There is a sort order stored against each contributor (in the
> contributors table).  The sort order can be populated from sort tags. 
> Currently, the scanner only recognises ARTISTSORT associated with the
> song artists.  If no artist sort tag exists, it is set to be the same
> as the name of the artist (minus leading articles, such as "The", etc),
> so "The Beatles" will be sorted under "Beatles".

ok...  but if an album has already been tagged VA when it isn't, this
doesn't matter.

i don't have these user defined tags like artistsort or albumartist in
my MP3s, so as far as i know, those same named SC7 internal tags are

Philip Meyer;289956 Wrote: 
> If there are any songs in the library with artists with an artist sort
> tag, all uses of that distinct artist from the contributors table will
> use the artist sort.
> eg. if I have an album with songs by XYZ with artist sort ZYX, and
> another album with various song contributors but an album artist XYZ,
> this album will also make use of the same artist sort because it refers
> to the same (distinct) artist contributor record.

you lost me a bit here, but i think it doesn't apply to me anyway.

Philip Meyer;289956 Wrote: 
> In Music Library Settings, there are options to include Composer,
> Conductor and Band/Orchestra as extra contributors in the list of
> artists.  There is no standard tags for defining sort order on these
> contributor types.  In fact, ARTISTSORT is not a standard tag either
> (in ID3v2.3 at least), but adopted by a few software applications.

just to be clear, i have all those unchecked BUT when i did check
"Band/Orchestra" it made no difference, it only slowed down my scan.

Philip Meyer;289956 Wrote: 
> When browsing by artist, the list of artists will contain:
>       Artists associated with at least one album.
>       Composers if enabled in Music Library Settings
>       Conductors if enabled in Music Library Settings
>       Band/Orchestra's if enabled in Music Library Settings
>       Any artist that has performed a song on a compilation album if "List
> compilation albums under each artist" is chosen in Music Library
> settings.
> The list of artists are sorted by the artist sort stored against each
> artist in the contributor table.
> Phil

ok, but that doesn't apply to me. i choose the list albums by band
option b/c i want SC7 to both sort and display my TPE2 tags.  right
now, it only does he latter (dispaly).

thx for this breakdown.

Squeezebox2 (primary) / SBR (secondary) / Jive - w/SC 7.0.1beta - Win
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