matmar10;296519 Wrote: 
> Feel free to post feedback here, or if you're comfortable doing so,
> file bugs against any genuine issues you may find. 
As already mentioned, some of the links in the top menu doesn't work
when standing on, for example  "Buy
Now->Players & Controllers". Although, the links seems to be correct if
you goto and look at the top menu.

The outer border with the rounded corners don't make sense to me in the
SqueezeCenter default skin and doesn't make sense to me on the web site,
but I guess it's just a matter of taste. As long as my web browser
window has square corners I see no reason to waste space inside it with
a black border. I might have felt different if the web browser window
was transparent, so it might just be my Firefox 2.0 browser that is
getting old.

The logo is a bit confusing I would have thought you would change that
to a Logitech logo, what company should I refer to when talking about
the SqueezeBox products ?
- Logitech ?
- Logitech Streaming Media Systems ?
- Slim Devices ?

I would love to be able to refer to Slim Devices again, but I thought
that brand was dead ?


Erland Isaksson
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(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and Database Query plugins'
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