
agreed. It's just that these "everyday" situations can vary
dramatically. For example, I've found myself in a quite intense
discussion in another thread on whether my way of searching for music
to listen to makes sense or not. AFAIK it's something not supported by
either Sonos (at least when I last looked at it half a year ago) or SB
but if one did, how would you compare/rate on this (in short, I want
albums with artwork sorted by artist and if there are multiple artists
on an album which is NOT a compilation I want that album to show up
under all of them vs. compilations which only show up under
compilations/various artists).

That's what I call subjective. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but
especially if you are used to one system you typically adopt it's way
of using it and will quite naturally find issues on solutions with a
different philosophy. It's like you will never ever find a German car
tester who will prefer a French car over a German one or like American
audio testers will find European systems lacking bass while European
testers will say American systems lack clarity...


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