Do you plan to encrypt something with the titles in your playlist?
Otherwise even rand() should be good enough for shuffling.

To define "equal chance" for such an application is not that simple,
though. There's an abundance of subjective priority parameters you may
or may not want to see in that (e.g. it can be perfectly "random" to
have the same song played twice if shuffling a 200 track playlist, as
#200 and #1 of the second iteration, but it definitely does not FEEL
like it, so there are algorithms which take care of that; dou you want
to play longer tracks as often as shorter ones; do you want to shuffle
albums along with the rest of the tracks or make sure they get somewhat
"distributed" etc. etc.).

Have a look at Erland's "Dynamic Playlists" plugin, I think you can
define your own algorithms there.


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