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Question: How do you primarily use your Squeezebox Controller?
- I usually place it back in the cradle after I've selected my music
- It tends to follow me around the house

>From new user. I've got a Squeezebox controlled by Slimserver 6.5.4.

Presumably the "controller" you refer to is the remote control I got
with my Squeezebox?

How do I use my controller? I've never used it - probably never will.
The main reason I use the Squeezecentre is as a method of getting high
quality audio wirelessly from the external hard drive where all my MP3s
are stored to my amplifier. Most of my listening is to classical music
for which I find classification systems based on the MP3 ID tags
unhelpful. I don't directly view the Squeezeserver via a browser on my
computer because I prefer to customise the classification and search of
my MP3s my way. 

My "controller" is my general purpose laptop computer running MS Excel.
I have a database of all my MP3s classified according to my own system
on spreadsheets. I've written code in VBA which allows me to search and
select the appropriate piece of music, and then VBA sends http commands
to instruct Slimserver to play the appropriate music and control the

I don't want wall-to-wall musak - I just want to listen to a piece of
music every now and again. Most of the pieces I play last over 1/2 hr
so I'm quite happy to return to my laptop when I want to hear a
different piece of music.

I'm very happy with the result. It may be a different approach from
most people, but a decently designed product like the Squeezecenter
should, and does, allow this sort of flexibility.

malone's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=15007
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