lork;312845 Wrote: 
> FWIW, I actually did have to use sudo, despite being in the same
> directory as the file. It refused to do a plain cp, so I sudo'd it and
> it worked. Maybe has to do with the permissions on .MusicMagic ?  It must be 
> to do with permissions but I've no idea why, unless you
unpacked the tar file as root also?  Strange nevertheless.

lork;312845 Wrote: 
> Also just FYI, after I did the
> http://localhost:10002/api/flush
> command you suggest, MIP still shows that it sees all my music... I
> assume this flush should clear the cache & let me do a fresh "add
> tracks" from zero? If it's supposed to do something else, then it's
> probably working- it shows a blank screen with a "1" in the upper left
> corner. Everythign seems to be working fine, though.  It's working.  All it 
> is intended to do is force MiP to write the
cache out to file.  The "1" means it was successful.  To create a new
cache/ database you enter the root folder of your music and click on
Add Music.


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