Philip Meyer;313911 Wrote: 
> >its the rules that are the problem.  the reason it is silly, is b/c it
> >assumes that any album with a single TPE1 mismatch is a VA / comp
> >album.  that is ludicrous.
> No, it's not ludicrous.  The vast majority of albums that have the same
> artist on every song are not various artist/compilation albums, and the
> vast majority of albums that have different artists on each track are
> various artist/compilation albums.  I don't think there's any disputing
> that.

well, i dispute it.  as i've said many times, *half* of what it
identified it got wrong.  its simply a bad design assumption.

u say "and the vast majority of albums that have different artists on
each track are various artist/compilation albums."  the first problem
is SC says its a comp even if its only ONE track, (as opposed to
"every" track as you put it).

the second problem is that for some albums, like sinatra duets, it IS
every track, but its definitely NOT a comp.

my main point is that from a design perspective, this was bound to have
problems with some people.  now, people may not see it as a big deal,
(and i'm not saying its a big deal), but what they can't do is deny
that its far from being 100% reliable and they certainly can't assert
its necessary.

Philip Meyer;313911 Wrote: 
> There may be a small number of albums where there are guest performers
> on some songs.  For most people, these extra guest performers do not
> end up as artist tags, because tools that set the tags when ripping
> from disk usually don't have that information (just the main album
> artist as the artist for each track).  If you go to the trouble of
> adding additional guest artist names in the songs, then why not go the
> extra distance to set a compilation=0 or albumartist tag?

i admit i do not know how i got so many TPE1 mismatches on non-comps. 
i don't recall editing them all manually, but maybe i did.  or maybe i
did some, and winamp, WMP, etc...  got the rest.  (or maybe EAC said
some of these were VA albums at the time of ripping, and the single
mismatches were in place then, but this doesn't mean they are comps ->
eg. sinatra / duets).

but regardless of how my tags got that way, its not that unusual for
someone to have their tags that way, whether they did it manually or
not.  people put artists and guest artists in TPE1, and then use TPE2
for the main album artist.  pretty common.

what i don't want to have to do though, is FIND and UNDO what
classifications SC does.  if i am going to add comp tags to those
albums i want to add it to, i want to only have to add the tags as a
positive ID and have that be a pro-active decision on my part.

and since i have TPE2 tags and bug 8001, there's no way i'm going to
add separate and unnecessary explicit 'album artist' tags.  remember i
will still be adding music, i want the simplest, easiest system going
forward, as well as dealing with what i already have.

Philip Meyer;313911 Wrote: 
> >(i admit, i am assuming that last paragraph to be true.  am i wrong
> >about that?  if TPE2 is treated as ALBUMARTIST internally by SC, does
> >that in someway impact if an album is considered a comp or not by SC?
> >if it does defeat the comp classification to SC, why does my SC still
> >go thru a "merge VA" process at scan time?)
> >
> In my opinion, album artist should prevent an album being classified as
> a compilation.  I can't remember what the SC scanner does; if it is
> tagging an album as a compilation and there is an album artist defined,
> then I would raise a bug on that.

yeah, i can't say for sure either, but based on my results, TPE2
treated as Album Artist DOES seem to defeat the VA logic IF TPE2 is
present, and even if the TPE2 field says Various Artists.

in my case, i am only populating the SC ALBUMARTIST field by using the
treat TPE2 as album artist option.

however, none of those albums with something in TPE2 got classified as
a comp, raising the question of why would you need VA auto-detection as
a stage at scan time then?  and is it supposed to be defeated?

Philip Meyer;313911 Wrote: 
> >how can i tell if SC thinks a given album is a comp or not?
> >
> Compilation albums are listed under Browse Artists > Various Artists.
> Alternatively, navigate to the album in the default skin, and it will
> say "Compilation: Yes"

well, i don't have any comp tags, so my albums sort based on their TPE2

and when i go to "artists->various artists" it only shows TWO! albums
as VA albums, even though i have a bunch that really are VA albums and
that have "Various Artists" in the TPE2 field.

so that confuses me big time.  as per Andys post, shouldn't at least
the ones that are actually VA albums and that say "Various Artists" in
TPE2 be identified as comps to SC?

why isn't it any longer identifying the TPE1 mismatches as comps?  or
the VA in TPE2 as comps?  why is VA logic defeated just b/c it has data
that populates SC's ALBUMARTIST field?  (the two albums that DID get
identified did NOT have anything in their TPE2 fields, but did have
TPE1 mismatches).

also, i can't find a TON of my VA albums under "Home->Artists" but i do
find them under "Home->Albums", including the 2 without TPE2 data that
got ID'd that i did find under artists.

Philip Meyer;313911 Wrote: 
> >(i should also add i don't know if SC has any other VA detection
> logic.
> >afaik, it only looks for artist / TPE1 mismatches.  but does it have
> >any other logic?  does it look at any strings?  folder names or
> >locations?  i don't know).
> >
> Not that I'm aware, other than Artist tag mismatches, or TXXX

is "TCMP=1" a valid tag?

in the post before yours, Andy says that if it finds the string
"Various Artists" in album artist, then its ID'd as a comp.

i am going to ask him if he meant in the files tag, or in the field SC
populates.  its not my exp.

Squeezebox2 (primary) / SBR (secondary) / SBC - w/SC 7.1beta - Win XP
Pro SP3 - 3.2ghz / 2gig ram - D-Link DIR-655
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