I really don't understand the reason to start this discussion again, but
I guess I've probably missed something. No, I'm not trying to silence
anyone, I just don't understand why you guys keeps spending energy on
something that's already solved instead of doing something useful with
your time.

Bug '#8001' (http://bugs.slimdevices.com/show_bug.cgi?id=8001) makes
MP3 files work as FLAC files, with the new option you can instruct
SqueezeCenter to treat TPE2 as ALBUMARTIST. The result is that MP3
albums with a TPE2 tag will not be treated as compilations and will
thanks to this be sorted under the TPE2 value instead of under "Various
The change of 8001 is part of the 7.1 nightly release, so you can try
it already now.

The patch provided for bug '#8324'
(http://bugs.slimdevices.com/show_bug.cgi?id=8324) makes it possible to
turn off the automatic logic that makes tracks with multiple TPE1
artists and to be treated as compilations. If the automatic logic is
turned off, I believe an album will ONLY be treated as a compilation if
it has a COMPILATION or TCMP tag. I believe TCMP(iTunes specific tag) is
treated the same way as a COMPILATION tag.
I also believe that most people really doesn't need this patch, because
the change in bug 8001 will solve everything.

If none of the above doesn't solve the issue you can still override the
compilation status by setting COMPILATION or TCMP tag to 1.

*MrSinatra*: I would really appreciate if you would try the 7.1 nightly
release unless you have already done so, this way we get to know if it
solves your problems or not.

The latest 7.1 nightly is found here:

For some reason there isn't one available at the moment, so unless the
above link works you can use yesterdays build found here instead:

As a side note, I really can't understand why it would be acceptable to
set TCMP but unacceptable to set COMPILATION. TCMP is not a standard
tag, it's not even a standard MP3 frame, so in my world this makes it
even less standard than a COMPILATION tag. Unless you consider
everything Apple do as the standard of course. See here (row 6 in
table) for more information:


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' (http://erland.homeip.net) 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and Database Query plugins'
erland's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3124
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=47297

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