andyg;321005 Wrote: 
> I don't follow, why do you have to do anything other than enter the
> direct stream.mp3 address?  I'm not about to pay $5 for an mp3 streamer
> so I can't really test this.

What you have to do is actually start to stream something (play a
track) before the iTuner picks up the stream.

That said, the iTuner application gives a very bad oveall impression. I
get "Out of Memory" messages from time to time, it manages to hang while
entering a url (and doing nothing else in the meantime) and it even
comes with a type in the default "http://"; tag ("http:/b/", I first
thought that is some kind of code but it's just an error).

So maybe that's the reason why it's no longer available on the store.

BTW: When I reduce the max bitrate in the settings (SC) it does not
prompt me to restart the stream or the server or something. Will the
bitrate change on the fly?


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