Browny;322228 Wrote: 
> My testing has found that the power supply for the SB3 (a switcher?)
> sprays RF on the mains and drops the throughput on the Homeplug
> adapters when plugged into the same socket as the SB3.
> Have mananged to switch the SB3 power to a different spur from the
> fusebox - this is now working fine.
> Food for thought??

See now here's another thing, because in the UK we use ring mains as
standard, which wikipedia implies is pretty unique. This means we
shouldn't have 'spurs', and it should actually be quite hard to find
another socket in the same room that is not on the same ring. However
DIY rewiring (maybe a previous owner) can change that situation.
Generally though using a different socket in the same room of a UK
house is identical to using the same socket.

On the point of 3 phase in the same room, obviously in the US the
potential even across two phases is less than the potential on a single
phase in Europe. Should be approximately 200V assuming each phase is
110V. Yes it can be fatal, but usually it isn't. 400V on the other hand
is survivable, but the odds are considerably less (been there, done
that, and boy does it hurt).

Going back to OP's original point, and adding to Sean's post, homeplugs
don't like electricity meters, and if you really have two lines in to
the house, however they are arranged, then the path from one line to
the other is likely to pass through the meter, which would have a
significant effect. In that case changing in the way Sean described
would have a benefit.


David Ayers
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