On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 2:14 PM, Jonathan Roberts <robertsthebr...@gmail.com> wrote:
I don't like the way flagging is currently presented in the forum. To check a box that labels another comment as "defensiveness" or "hate speech" has a lot of potential for escalating conflict...see every other discussion board ever for examples of this.

Heartily agreed.

I would like to see a format that allowed for traditional de-escalating forms of expressing offense: ie "I feel this when you do this."

I have a couple ideas. First, to just have a flag button, but not the option to check various offenses that are stated in accusatory language. Second, there could be just one button that says something like "I feel uncomfortable with this" and then the space to specify. I would especially like this option if there was a "this friend speaks my mind" button next to it that was equally prominent.

Another option would be to have flags be visible only by moderators, who can then take the appropriate action.
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