On 19.10.2015 23:02, Aaron Wolf wrote:
> On 10/19/2015 01:47 PM, Bryan Richter wrote:
>> On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 11:40:04AM -0700, Aaron Wolf wrote:
>>> On 10/19/2015 11:14 AM, Jonathan Roberts wrote:
>>>> I don't like the way flagging is currently presented in the forum. To
>>>> check a box that labels another comment as "defensiveness" or "hate
>>>> speech" has a lot of potential for escalating conflict...see every other
>>>> discussion board ever for examples of this.
>>> I think you're misunderstanding how it works based on the way that
>>> Robert's mock-ups showed it.
>>> <snip really long description of how it works>
>> For what it's worth, while I understand and acknowledge the positive
>> aspects of the Snowdrift flagging system, I think we should
>> acknowledge there's still room for abuse. I can flag you for whatever
>> I want if I don't like what you've said, and I have instantly silenced
>> you. Your point of view will go unheard for however many minutes,
>> hours, or days it takes for you to have time to edit your post. That is
>> *plenty* of time to be effectively extincted from an online
>> conversation. There is no tradeoff for me, either.
>> Second, can we really expect someone to objectively, rationally, edit
>> their post in response to a flagging?
> Actually, we've so far had no violations of the Code of Conduct at all
> within the system anyway. The features we *do* need are moderator
> controls and permissions to assure that flagging isn't abused. We need a
> function for moderators to remove someone's flagging permissions. But
> yes, there will be room to tweak and to see how things go.

Maybe flagging permission should be something you earn after your 10th
(100th?) post?

> And we *do* need to make sure that there are ramifications in the end
> for false-flagging. That remains a speculative concern beyond the level
> of the core flagging system. Given the whole process to get established,
> accept the honor pledge, and the specific flagging procedure, we may
> basically never have legitimate users abuse this at all. If flagging
> worked without specifying the violation, people could just flag for "I
> don't like this", but we require people to specify what the violation
> was, and then it is *obvious* if you simply check something with no
> basis, and we can turn off your flagging privileges.
> In other words, the work of having to specify what specific part of the
> CoC was violated blocks normal legitimate people from flagging just over
> not liking something. Only actually malicious trolls will flag something
> otherwise. A normal person will see the list, recognize that this view
> they don't like doesn't violate any of these items and give up on the
> flagging. It's an important burden for the flagger to clarify from the
> limited set of issues what makes this deserve to be flagged.

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