
I was not aware of the mechanism; now that you've explained it, I think
it's a great system. It allows for a moderator to immediately see the
specific nature of the complaint and consequently it can be dealt with


On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 11:40 AM, Aaron Wolf <aa...@snowdrift.coop> wrote:

> On 10/19/2015 11:14 AM, Jonathan Roberts wrote:
> > I don't like the way flagging is currently presented in the forum. To
> > check a box that labels another comment as "defensiveness" or "hate
> > speech" has a lot of potential for escalating conflict...see every other
> > discussion board ever for examples of this.
> I think you're misunderstanding how it works based on the way that
> Robert's mock-ups showed it.
> The labeling of something as having one or the other of these issues is
> *not* part of a public discussion or even a back-and-forth discussion.
> Saying publicly, "that's hate speech" and having a conversation about it
> is *exactly* the sort of problems you are talking about, and not at all
> how flagging works on Snowdrift.coop.
> Flagging on Snowdrift.coop is an *anonymous* hiding of someone's post
> with a specific statement about which item(s) in the formal Code of
> Conduct are involved. In other words, you don't get to reply at all.
> There is no thread, there is no reply. There is *only* the fact that
> your comment is hidden, and you get to repost it by fixing the issue.
> It is a fundamentally different thing than getting a specific reply in a
> conversation. You post something someone says is unconstructive
> criticism, your post is flagged and hidden, and all you have is the fact
> that your post is hidden and was checked as unconstructive criticism.
> You don't get to reply, and you don't get told who flagged you. You get
> to look at your post and figure out how to make it constructive, and
> then you repost, and *then* we can predict reasonably that constructive
> conversation will continue and bad feelings will subside as people are
> happy that they are having productive discussion.
> In short, I don't think our design is bad, but I *do* think the public
> posting of something in the manner the mockup might have indicated
> *would* be bad for the very reasons you bring up.
> >
> > I would like to see a format that allowed for traditional de-escalating
> > forms of expressing offense: ie "I feel this when you do this."
> >
> While that makes sense for de-escalating if there's actually a
> persistent conflict, the point is not to even *have* back and forth
> discussion that includes problematic, disrespectful statements. I've
> seen tons of forums where the focus gets lost and tons of things go
> badly despite good will from some people because the topic gets
> overwhelmed by the long discussion that mixes various defensiveness with
> attempts at de-escalation.
> Again, the point is that "I feel this when you do this" in various
> forums gets replies like "whatever, screw you" if someone is really
> upset or just being a jerk. And there's tons of subtle misunderstandings
> where a comment had *zero* ill-will but was read that way by someone,
> and then the whole thing becomes a long thread about the communication
> instead of the topic at hand, and little things get misunderstood and
> blow up all the attempts at reconciliation.
> Again, this is about nipping it in the bud, fix the problematic post
> immediately, no discussion. If you think it was fine, just fix it anyway
> and try again so we can move on.
> I can't say this strongly enough: I agree *completely* that publicly or
> even in a back-and-forth discussion saying "that's defensive" isn't the
> optimal communication style. But our flagging system is not that. The
> unfortunate fact is that we *cannot* accept a totally loose style of
> flagging that is all about just expressing feelings. We absolutely have
> to have clear guidelines with precise items that can be pointed to as
> violations because that sort of strict Code of Conduct is the only way
> that marginalized people or those worried about caustic environments can
> feel safe.
> It cannot be the burden of someone who receives a personal attack to
> rise up and express in great politeness how they feel and work on
> de-escalating. For this type of situation where we're not discussing
> personal relations, we're discussing projects and decisions and general
> things, we have to simply say that personal attacks are not acceptable,
> period. The thing is, while some forums shame people for slipping or
> even ban them etc., we give them the chance to fix the comment and move on.
> We don't *need* to de-escalate because we block the entire initial
> escalation. The very first time anything is unconstructive or attacking
> or condescending it gets flagged, fixed, reposted, and we move on. The
> goal is to stop the escalation in the first place.
> This is also not the right solution for a small in-person meeting. It's
> the solution for a generalized, anonymous, open online forum which has
> it's own issues. Real enforcement of Code of Conduct, not just
> guidelines for de-escalation, is an absolute requirement. I would not
> have recognized this myself a few years ago, but having gotten involved
> in the online tech world, I know how serious the problems can be and how
> inadequate just promoting de-escalation can be.
> > I have a couple ideas. First, to just have a flag button, but not the
> > option to check various offenses that are stated in accusatory language.
> > Second, there could be just one button that says something like "I feel
> > uncomfortable with this" and then the space to specify. I would
> > especially like this option if there was a "this friend speaks my mind"
> > button next to it that was equally prominent.
> >
> Yes, we want to also include friendly things to express agreement and
> thanks. I think our goal is to do that with tags, although we could have
> some separate dedicated things. Those two are the main items:
> "agreement" and "thanks".
> >
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> --
> Aaron Wolf Snowdrift.coop <https://snowdrift.coop>
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