A lot has been said so I'll try to keep my email short and refrain
from redundant comments (also, it's late and I make less sense than

One thing I would suggest is to split the discussion into two threads
which I feel got mixed in here.
1) Rates and procedure for running workshops for commercial companies.
2) Delivering workshops for organisations whose policies/activities
may be considered by SCF members as going against the values the
members subscribe to.

It does look like the discussion on Monsanto workshops shifted towards
(1) in the recent emails. But there were some strong opinions on (2).
I think in order to make the discussion constructive and informative
for the community and the  Steering Committee these topics should be
discussed separately.


On 4 March 2015 at 22:46, Greg Wilson <gvwil...@software-carpentry.org> wrote:
> On 2015-03-04 3:05 PM, W. Trevor King wrote:
>> I'm sure
>> that if you start paying instructors, you will find more interested
>> instructors.  This is sort of what Matt was suggesting [2].
> This is something that open source orgs like Mozilla have struggled with for
> years: if you start paying some people, will others stop volunteering?  The
> answer seems to be "it depends".  When you first go from all-unpaid to a mix
> of paid and unpaid, some of those who aren't being paid leave (either
> because they're not being paid, or because they don't think the organization
> should be paying anyone). Once you're in that state, though, newcomers take
> it as given, and as long as the hiring process is seen as fair, it seems to
> work OK.
>> Maybe we
>> just need a formal method for connecting interested hosts with
>> interested instructors, and letting them carry out these negotations?
> That's an intriguing idea - organizations like the Python Software
> Foundation run a job board, and something like this would be a natural
> analog.  With that said, I think we have too many balls in the air to tackle
> it in the next few months, but I'd be keen to revisit then.
> Thanks,
> Greg
> --
> Dr. Greg Wilson    | gvwil...@software-carpentry.org
> Software Carpentry | http://software-carpentry.org
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