Excerpts from Aaron O'Leary's message of 2015-03-08 10:43:47 +0100:
> Volunteering is bad, for the same reason that unpaid internships are
> bad: access is limited to those who can afford the time to participate.
> Volunteering is socially exlusive.

woha, that is a strong statement!
unpaid internships in a business and volunteering for a good cause are entirely
different things.

yes, volunteering may be restricted to those who can afford it. but that is
only a problem if volunteering is required in order to gain something that
should be accessible to anyone. but at that point it is no longer volunteering
but it becomes required free labor.

the question for swc is of course whether training monsanto scientists may be
regarded a good cause or not. that is for swc to decide. everyone should have
the right to volunteer for whatever cause they believe in.

> Overall I think this is ok, whilst we are empowering people and
> bootstrapping our community. 

are you saying that as soon as swc can afford it, all trainers should be paid?
and is training monsanto scientists not empowering them?

i would not mind if trainers get paid, likewise i would not mind if those who
can and should be able to afford it, pay for the training.

but if there is a hard line to be drawn, i would draw it at what the trainees 
free training only for those who publish their research in open-access journals
and make the code accessible under a Free Software or Open Source license.

greetings, martin.

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