On Wed, 2005-02-02 at 14:47 -0500, Daniel Carrera wrote:

> But asking people to commit passwords to memmory is bad, as it makes 
> people choose insecure passwords. It means that you are securing against 
> an very improbable attack (physical espinonage) in exchange for becomming 
> vulnerable to a very likely attack (computer guessing your password).

It is not hard to think up secure passwords which are relatively easy to
remember. My favorite is to come up with a nonsense phrase and select
the first character of each word of the phrase as my password with
random case changes and throwing in various mnemonic punctuation marks
and numbers. The password is not entirely random, but its entropy is
high enough to thwart almost all but the most determined guessing

This is not 100% secure, but it is pretty close and especially when you
change your password every few months or so. As always in security, it
depends on what you are protecting. For my daily work this approach has
proved good enough and I have never had anybody "guess" my passwords.

Smoot Carl-Mitchell
System/Network Architect
cell: +1 602 421 9005
home: +1 480 922 7313

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