On Mon, 2005-03-14 at 10:35 +1100, Simon Lilburn wrote:

> To get to the point, I'm wondering if I can make quite a large 
> suggestion for the future of OOo (2.5, 3.0 onward) for the incorporation 
> of another office suite-style application. My top three open-source 
> programs (as far as usage goes) are Firefox, OOo and KeyNote-- all of 
> which I use constantly on a daily basis. My problem stems from the fact 
> that whilst Firefox and OOo are all on Linux (which I'm planning on 
> switching full-time on to), KeyNote is only on Windows. [BTW, I'm 
> talking about the open-source program called KeyNote at 
> http://www.tranglos.com/free/keynote.html, not the Apple presentation 
> software].

I use a program that looks completely different, but is intended for
the same task: tomboy


People have described it as a "desktop wiki", and while there might
be some truth in that, it wrongly suggests that it is very complicated,
while it is not. I've yet to meet somebody who tried it and did not
like it. It does not use tabs, but hyperlinks instead.

> I don't believe software like this (maybe OneNote comes slightly close) 
> has been incorporated into Office software yet, and I think this is 
> OOo's chance to add a another program into the stable of what an office 
> suite is. And, from what very little I know about software development, 
> I believe most of the capabilities are already within OOo; they are just 
> not structured in this way.

I think Tomboy will be integrated with (not into) Evolution (e.g.
it will be able to register Tasks and Appointments in Evo) AFAIK,
so if there are sensible things that could be done in combining
OOo and Tomboy, maybe you might suggest it to the author?

Rettet die Wale und stÃrzt das System, und trennt euren MÃll, 
denn viel Mist ist nicht schÃn!         
                                    Gustav, "Rettet die Wale"

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