On Fri, 2005-03-18 at 11:40, Nicu Buculei wrote:
> Ian Lynch wrote:

> i believe you want this kind of animation:
> http://software.newsforge.com/software/05/02/16/1427218.shtml?tid=130&tid=75&tid=93

Thanks that is useful. Just can't find it now in 2.0 beta. Where is the
follow path option? I have looked under the Motion paths tab but can't
find a follow path.

> > The ideal capability would be to trigger sound or other events at points
> > on any arbitratily defined path. eg Animate the charges moving around an
> > electric circuit and brighten the lamp as the charges travel faster. 
> i can't comment much about the sound support in Impress because don't 
> have signifiant experience in this area, but i find it cumbersome 
> (involving Mozilla plugins etc.)

Really having something to trigger events such as the already defined
sound effects or a graphic fade etc would be a good start. I would not
have though that too difficult to implement. Just store the coordinates
of where the event is to take place and apply the effect when the image
is at that point.


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