My prediction is that if it contains no Java, it will be rejected. If contains Java, it might be accepted.

That is ludicris! You think every thing Sun adds to OOo involves Java? Um... No. OOo as a whole functions just fine *WITHOUT* Java. And OOo as a whole was donated and is maintained *BY SUN*. There are some features that require Java, that is true - but not anywhere near all of them. You don't like Java for some reason - that's fine, whatever floats your boat. And you are pissed off because you "have to" use it to get to some of those very few features that require it. I'm sorry for you - I really am. But don't accuse Sun of only including features that require Java - that's so stupid it hurts to read. Sun's decision on the inclusion or exclusion of the feauture is wholely unrelated to it's Java-ness. Some people on this list have their freaking hobby-horses that they have to ride and try in vain to relate every issue in the world to that pet issue of theirs. If you don't like Java - don't use it. If you don't like Sun - don't use their products. If you don't like OOo's use of Java - don't install the Java version. But don't claim that every new feature of OOo is locked into Java. It's simply not true. Sun will include the features that Sun think will make OOo a better program. End of story.

a) There are a number of indications that SUN does _not_ understand FLOSS.

Like it's numerous contributions to it - like OpenOffice.org, right?

b) I wouldn't be at all surprised to see a shareholder suit or two,
because Sun is _not_ maximizing profits, with its support of FLOSS.

Well that's a mixed message isn't it? Sun doesn't get FLOSS, but they are throwing so much money at it, the stock holders are going to get pissed. RiiiIIIiiiight....

Sun has an plan for driving revenue from open source.

Will they be able to adhere to that plan?

Let me just peer into my crstyal ball and find out....

MS could go belly up tomorrow - even if it is Saturday. The European Market could skyrocket and every company over there could buy and sell WalMart like baseball cards within weeks. Sun could become the ultimate software company in the world - FLOSS and otherwise overnight.

Or, Sun could collaspe, and MS could go FLOSS. There's no way of knowing. Asking people who A) don't work for Sun B) Aren't executives at Sun C) don't own Sun stock D) Can't predict the future, even if A-C were true and E) don't even know what they're having for Breakfast on Monday - to tell you what a multi-million (or is it billion) dollar company is going to be able to do for some unknown, unspecified amount of time - is *STUPID*.

Sun has said they will support FLOSS - They have continuous and repeatedly displayed that support, with time, money, code, programmers, marketing, and more. If you don't believe them, that's you're priveldge. As for me, OOo alone is enough to prove their sincerity.

Microsoft, by contrast, is living in a brick and mortar house

a) The first prediction I read of Microsoft's demise, was around 1992. The number of units of Win95 that had to be sold, to break even, exceeded the total number of operating systems sold, leased, or pirated, since circa 1948.

b) The second prediction was around 1995.  It predicted the fall would
start in 2000, and by 2005, Microsoft would be history, because all of
the stock had been cashed in, and the new employees were not going to
work for wages alone.

c) The next prediction I read was around 98.  This was when Microsoft
was settling a string of anti-monopoly suits, and the Dept of Justice
trial was just getting started.  The settled lawsuits had one thing in
common --- Microsoft admitted that they were violating the anti-trust
act, and did so with the sole intent of ensuring that it had no
competition at all. The justice department rolled over, and played

d) Now. There is the claim that microsoft is fleeing upstream, to
maintain profit levels. As that upstream market decreases, so its
profits fall. The problem with that theory, is that microsoft is
lowering the cost of Office on one end, and raising it at the other
end, with more features. [The low end version of Office is around
$100. The high end version of Office is around $50K. The high end is
going to subsidize the low end.]

Very nice summary of why I don't fear for Microsoft's future. That and $50 Billion in the bank - don't forget that.

about Sun's current plans for Java and embedding more Java
requirements in OOo 2.0.

Enter: a) Shareholder lawsuits against Sun. b) Microsoft lawsuits against OOo users.

Net result: OOo is dead in the water, and FLOSS is all but illegal to
use in the US.

That is insane. There is no evidence of any of that happening - ever. THat is pure and complete FUD paranoia. That will *NEVER* happen. You are out of your mind.

Having to rewrite OOo to remove the Java code is what peeves of _distributors_.

No - just install the non-Java version. One freaking mouse click. Wow - that's hard!

What peeves of other developers is that if the code is not Java, It
will not be accepted. If it is java, it _might_ be accepted.

Again, pure bullshhht. There is plenty of stuff in OOo that runs without any form of JAva on the machine.

Xan yourself,

-Chad Smith

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