Justin Clift wrote:

> >http://website.openoffice.org/tryouts/dcarrera/miniZilla/
> Hey, this is nifty.
> Is it feasible for that to be put into production soon?

Assuming that we don't experience massive antagonism, yes, of sure. From 
the technical POV, all that's left is:

 (1) The last step, submitting the issue. This shouldn't be hard.
 (2) Someone to host this. Right now it's on my home page. We would want a 
 host that can handle an OOo-sized load.

> Oh.  How'd you make it work then?

The actual page is in my home server. I use a hack involving CSS and an
<iframe> to make it look like it's inside the OOo website.

Here are other examples you might find amusing:


Daniel Carrera          | I don't want it perfect,
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