Diane Mackay said the following:

Cyrille Moureaux wrote:

I think on the other hand the user should not have the feeling s/he's been
redirected from one place to the other without much gain each time ("Welcome
to the IRC channel, sorry there are mostly developers/builders here, please
join and ask on [EMAIL PROTECTED]", "Welcome to [EMAIL PROTECTED], apparently you know where
the zip you downloaded is, managed to unzip it and run setup, OOo has not
taken over your desktop so sorry, we can't help you, please join and ask on
[EMAIL PROTECTED]", "Welcome to [EMAIL PROTECTED], get ready for hundreds of email a day, and
by the way, your problem with the Access feature missing in Base seems quite
specific, please join and ask on [EMAIL PROTECTED]", and so on ;-)).

Anyway, just my thoughts,

And good thoughts they are! What's really bad about scenarios like this, which
DO happen, is that the archives record them this way. Then when you try to "do
the right thing" and google for answers to OOo questions, you end up spending
much time running in circles, and maybe never finding your answer! This too
presents a bad image for the quality of customer service provided by
OpenOffice.org. Depending upon the urgency of the user who is looking for help,
this too could make folks turn away from the product.


Then how do we improve the existing support system? There are indications that there are elements that need to be changed or improved.

Might we have to accept the possibility that the support system won't be able to meet the needs of every user?


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