Nicolas Mailhot wrote:

> If this means OO.o internals map well to Linux packages needs and you're
> ready to work with me on making native packages happen let's do it.

I think we could think about this doing by ourselves as soon as the
major Linux distros have standardized on a common "native" format. Until
then IMHO it's the job of the distros to provide the packages if they
don't want to use the "OOo format" for Add-Ons.

Of course we can work together with them to bring this directly to the
users (means: enable our SDK to create those packages directly), but we
never will "standardize" on any of those formats as long as there are
many of them, so we will always use our own format by default or as a

> If this means you can do the same thing via platform-independent OO.o
> bundles and argue there is no functional advantage going the native
> route then sorry, it got about the same appeal as a if you proposed to
> me to use a separate phone per correspondant because it's too bothersome
> for you to use the same hardware as the other links. And I'd agree with
> you all the different telephones are functionally equivalent except I'd
> like to keep some room in my pockets for something else so that's not
> really the point.

Of course there is a functional advantage going the native route, but
the question is as always: is this advantage achievable at a justifiable
cost and do the things you lose not doing it this way really create a

If the only advantage of doing it the native way is that it is done the
native way, I see it as a dispensable advantage. OTOH if the non-native
way creates a demonstrable problem this must be solved, and if the only
way to solve it is doing it the native way then this is the way to go.
But I'm still waiting for a demonstration where our installer creates
such a problem.

> The point is to keep a _single_ software/app/lib database per system,
> with a _single_ key/certificate repository, a _single_ update model and
> a _single_ point of entry for users.

I understand that this is desirable in an ideal world, but this makes
platform independent development extremely difficult if not impossible,
especially if even a single platform (Linux) is not able to provide a
standardized way to do things. It's hard enough to support both Windows
and Linux! And no, we will not give up Windows and we never will support
only a single Linux distribution.

IMHO your standpoint it too strict. You see the single software database
as a value per se, I only see it as a means to and end (I see everything
this way BTW ;-)) and it's only the end (here: the administration) I
care for, not necessarily particular means also.

> And you can argue OO.o is special and should be an exception except
> every app writers feels his app is special and wants the very same
> exception so that's a direct way to system management hell (be it for
> single-user systems of big centrally-managed computer pools)

That misses the point. The specific characteristic of OOo arises from
its platform independent nature and the pure fact that we can't offer
support for every package format on this planet. Do you remember the
complaints that OOo "only" offers RPMs? What do you think will potential
Add-On developers say if you force them the provide native installation
support for all platforms? Yes, we won't get any development in this
area and we see this as an important entry point for developers, so we
want to enable people to create such Add-Ons.

If you or any other people are interested in working on the support for
a particular package format and if you are willing to help us
implementing this you will be welcomed ony our
mailing list.

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - Application Framework Project Lead
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