On Mar 26 avril 2005 15:44, Mathias Bauer a écrit :
> Nicolas Mailhot wrote:

>> And by not providing native packages I don't necessarily mean not
>> providing native packages at the OO.o level but not creating an
>> environment where other people can easily provide them.
> Fine, why didn't you mention this in the first place? Would have saved
> us a lot of time. :-)

I'm afraid I did state it clearly in the fedora-devel thread someone
quoted at the start of this one, and it was then drowned under arguments
on the need of doing native packages (OO.o own packages having all sorts
of wonderful properties)

The plain fact is native packages put the burden of figuring out different
packaging systems on developpers, and app-specific packages put the burden
of figuring app-specific stuff on the end-users.

Simple math (end-users >> developpers) shows what system scales better
even if it sucks because that's more work for upstream projects.

And when I write developpers here I mean "the people that provide software
to end-users". I does not mean native packaging should be taken care of by
the people who write the extensions, just that this service must be taken
care of by someone in the software-producing chain, in our case some group
within oo.o, that can be partly composed by people coming from

You wouldn't expect translation or documentation to be taken care of by
extensions writers themselves would you ? This does not mean it's a good
idea to ask end-users to do this work themselves either.

Nicolas Mailhot

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