On Ven 29 avril 2005 1:47, Christian Einfeldt a écrit :
> On Thursday 28 April 2005 07:28, M. Fioretti wrote:
>> Interview by C. Einfeldt to Sun Microsystems evangelist Simon
>> Phipps:
> Thanks for noticing this article, Marco!  I included a link to the
> article about Java in OOo by Bruce Byfield, because I thought that
> his analysis was superb, even though I disagreed with his
> conclusion.  There is also a link in the article back to Marco
> Fioretti's 2005/3/28 thread about Bruce's article on Java in OOo.

I doubt this interview will help at all. It basically says "I don't see
there is a problem, so there is no problem. Aren't it wonderful there is
no problem?".

The java community part is especially bad - sure java community is big but
it's not one that trusts Sun overmuch (getting java problems Sun is not
interested in fixed is almost impossible - everyone and its mother is
doing private forks of java libraries to work around the fact getting
fixes upstream is _hard_ and the licensing makes it difficult to share
fixes among java users). People are grateful but far from enthousiastic.
One of the main reasons Eclipse took up and Netbeans didn't is _most_ java
players want _less_ Sun control, not more. It's not the happy campers
community portrayed in the interview.

Moreover a large part of the current OO.o userbase is not part of the java
community because of the way Sun chose to manage it. Applying java
management methods to OO.o (which is what will happen if OO.o starts
depending on java) will only alienate these users - they've already looked
at the java model and rejected it.


Nicolas Mailhot

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