On Ven 13 mai 2005 10:22, Mathias Bauer a écrit :
> Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
>> Are you kidding ?
> Of course it was a joke. Do you know smilies?

Too many things to do, too little time, I probably missed it ;(

>> Directory standardisation is one thing linux distributions do right.
>> The first question of a packager comming from windows space is always
>> "why
>> can't I let the user select the installation directory ?" (because you
>> have strong directory rules)
> You might know more about what is going on because it looks as if you
> are more involved in this. I'm not so convinced by the current results
> of the standardization efforts across Linux distros. If that (means: the
> results, not the efforts) improved in the future I would be impressed.

Binary standardisation is bad and I don't expect it to get any better
because it rubs too many people the wrong way. Achieving it would
drastically slow down growth rate anyway (ie the LSB is pretty much a dead
end few people care about)

Directory standardisation OTOH is very strong - I've deployed stuff across
Red Hat/Mandriva/Novell and one of the things we could pretty much count
on was finding the same stuff at the same place (the FHS rocks)

For the template location problem I'd say getting KDE, OO.o and Gnome
Office at the same table (probably a freedesktop.org one) should be
sufficient to hammer a spec quickly (basically where should they be
dropped in /usr/share)

Then you add a tunable in the apps to allow specifying template locations,
put the freedesktop.org value there, and 85% of your users will never need
to change it (I say 85% because some people mainly corporate admins find
bliss in ignoring common standards and getting paid to fix the mess


Nicolas Mailhot

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