On Sun, Jul 24, 2005 01:21:34 AM -0500, Peter Kupfer OOo
> M. Fioretti wrote:
> >2) ... and *I* personally explained how to do that 15 months ago, on the
> >   OpenOffice users list. That's why I'm still a bit pissed, can I?
> >   Right now I get a "servlet error" by the oo.org search engine, but
> >   as soon as you can, you might want to read the thread (started on
> >   april 17, 2004) titled
> >
> >   "[users] new solution for unsubscribed users, was: Who is CPH? "
> >
> >   The way it's explained there needs some refinement, but it would
> >   definitely work as it should.
> As I recall, didn't your solution call for something that our mailing 
> list provider/program can't do?

Yes. This is why I explained 15 months ago, and repeated yesterday,
that it requires "Only a one time setup by one regular OO.o
contributor" (those who you in another message defined better as "high
ranking list administrators") on his or her computer.


Marco Fioretti                    mfioretti, at the server mclink.it
Fedora Core 3 for low memory      http://www.rule-project.org/

Da quando amo, riesco ad indossare i miei anni: non sono piu' vecchia
   --   Sarah Cristina Ceccarelli

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