On 8/24/05, Sebastian Luque <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Daniel Carrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [...]
> > If I give you a product under a particular copyright license, you are
> > free to distribute it under the terms of that license. If that license
> > says that charging money is ok, then it's ok. And the ammount of money I
> > charge you for the original copy has no bearing on the situation. It's
> > all about the license.
> Thanks for your explanation. I just find it odd that anybody would want
> to deliberately buy something that's available for free. I, for one,
> wouldn't trust anybody trying to sell me things I can get for free. I
> would dig *very* deep in search of a scam. But I would need to know the
> product is available for free in the first place.
> Cheers,
> --
> Sebastian P. Luque

You mean like water? Something that is available for free might not 
necesarily means that you can get it. For example if you don't have internet 
you wont be able to get it... even if it is for free. Also if you are using 
a dial up account that will take u more time (and money) to get it on line.

In software world usually illegal copies of software are available 'for 
free'. However still pirates make a great profit on selling CD's. Transfer 
this to a floss world and you have almost the same enviroment except is 
legal. :)

Also you have companies that sell the solution (not just the product) so 
they will sell you support, installation, constant upgrades, Toll free 
number to call, document management solutions incorporating our product or 
simple add on's, plug-ins etc.

Alexandro Colorado

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