On 9/20/05, Alexandro Colorado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So on this new office suite of today where people do most of their work on
> web applications, should we all do a Web version of OOo?

A web version of OOo would be awesome. There are a few attempts at this (an
online office suite) that are already out there (Thinkfree Office, EI
Office, Office Hero) - they are all mostly out of Asia, so their English
interface isn't that great. And none of them are from huge companies (like
Sun, IBM, Microsoft, or Corel), so the development on the backend isn't that
great. ThinkFree Office may even be based on an older version of OOo - it
uses some of the same names for the different modes. But none of these are
open source. A web-based OOo that ran in Java or Flash would be great.
Completely cross-platform, and would work on any machine with internet
access - even PDAs, PocketPCs, cell phones, Blackberries, and Palms. A
web-based OOo would solve a *heck* of a lot of problems. It would, of
course, cause a few others, though.

Should we blog
> instead of producing documents?

Depends on the audience, sometimes yes, most times no. But you can produce
printable documents from an online editor. The printing would be handled by
the browser. You can save to different file types from an online editor as
well, Adobe Reader inside of a web browser is proof of that - and it's just
a reader - not an editor.

Should we have more compatibility with our
> Cellphones and PDA and have bluetooth native support?

That would be nice. A web-based version would solve that, (except for the
bluetooth thing, I don't understand how an office suite is bluetooth enabled
- isn't that an operating system thing?). In the web-based version, the
server would be handling some of the load - especially the HD space - so you
wouldn't need to downsize OOo as much. It can still be streamlined - no
doubt, but the size wouldn't hurt portable devices as much if it were
available online.

-Chad Smith

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