Chad Smith wrote:
On 9/21/05, Randomthots <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Would you quit with the Dell nonsense? I have a degree in Mechanical
Engineering and am working on a Master's in IT. My Dell has been a good
little machine for me.

Nobody with a Dell cares about file formats.

I do. And I understand why it matters.

Sorry Rod - I had no idea that you used a Dell. My point was that most geeks
don't use Dells, and most people who use Dells aren't geeks. Geeks like to
"roll their own" and therefore, a propriatary computer - the most common
being a Dell - would not normally ebe something they would have.

It wasn't meant to be taken as a 1-to-1 equation, just an illustration.
Sorry to offend. I had no idea you were so attached to your computer
hardware maker.


My ire, wrath, and outrage were tongue-in-cheek, I hope you realize.

But I'm not quite sure why a Dell would be any more "proprietary" than anything you could roll-your-own. Mine came with an Asus motherboard, Maxtor hard-drive, Sound-Blaster audio, NVidia graphics card, Conexant modem, and Harman/Kardon speakers. The only parts that actually say "Dell" on them are the case, keyboard, mouse, and monitor. The first three items are long past the point of being commodities and you know Dell didn't actually build the monitor either. All they do is assemble components; no different than any "white box" mfr or roll-your-own hobbyist.

They build decent machines for a good price. Works for me.


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