Chad Smith wrote:

Presenting 2 bogus links

Forrester and Yankee are not bogus links.

Since everyone knows ...

:-)  Not much of a proof is it?<>

1. This is not a research study as far as I can see (if it is, I'll concede your point). 2. Like you say, he hates Microsoft. And the purpose of this talk is anti-Microsoft. Hence, he is certainly motivated to make Microsoft look like a more entrenched monopoly, since that will further his point.

Now here's a website you might trust:*office*.org/product/reviews.html

* The fact that there's a link there doesn't mean that OOo endorses the market share values there.
* The original source is an on-line magazine, not a research group.

You are getting silly Chad.

"*According to recent research by the Yankee Group, Microsoft's Office
product line has an astounding 90 percent market share.

This is the only valid link you've posted. It's sad that you place a magazine article that is not even trying to estimate MSO's market share on the same level as a research group that actually is trying.

You said "everyone knows it's in the high 90's". Yankee Group disagrees with you. 90% is not the high 90's. And 90% is a lot closer to my estimate of 88% than your estimate of >95%.

So I was a lot closer than you were.

Isn't it weird - the "Yankee Group" claims MS Office has a 90% share....
Now, add that to Laura Didio's 12%, and you've got yourself 102%

You need to learn how to read. Laura Didio said *19%* in *SMBs*.

And a while ago Forester estimated 8-9% on large companies and growing. From that data I *guessed* 12% over-all, and that still was a very reasonable guess.

And the Yankee report you just listed proves that my estimate (88%) was a lot closer than yours (more than 95%).

You gave me two crap links. I give you 3 links,

I gave you two results by research groups, you gave me one.

A magazine writer making up a number, and an anti-MS guy trying to explain why you should be anti-MS are not on the same level as research studies (not that research studies are fantastic, they're just a lot better than a made-up number).

The one valid link you posted was a lot closer to my estimate than yours.

You also fail to see that the 3 valid data points we have fit perfectly well together:

* Yankee says MSO has 90% over-all.
* Yankee says OOo has 19% on SMBs.
* Forrester said last year that OOo had 8-9% on large businesses.

These three fit together.

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