On Sat, 2005-11-19 at 13:50 -0500, Chad Smith wrote:

> Grisoft predicts Linux virus plague

This is typical of a Chad Smith post. Whenever anyone looks at the
future and what might happen as Open Source software gets increasing
take up Chad ignores it and focuses on now and the past because it suits
his beloved Microsoft. So we get MS office is wonderful because there
are a lot of users and he completely buries his head in the sand at the
prospect of that changing. He can't or won't use any empirical evidence
to extrapolate trends to see likely outcomes if they look at all bad for
Bill Gates and Co. Yet as soon as someone provides evidence that there
is an advantage to Linux and other OSs in having no viruses he rushes to
point out that in the future Linux will be riddled with viruses when
there is scant empirical evidence for this. 

This proves Chad Smith is a Microsoft Troll beyond any shadow of a


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