
As always, thanks.

On 2005-12-21, at 15:32 , Ian Laurenson wrote:

To make life easier for people migrating to OpenOffice.org and to get
around some of the limitations in the find and replace I have written a
macro called IanndFindReplace available from:
The instructions for installing in OOo2.0 need updating but if you look
at the instructions for installing libraries for the KeyHandler, you
should be able to work it out.

However, I think that it is time that my macro is retired and that
similar features be part of standard OOo. Namely:

These seem to me to be quite reasonable! In the meanwhile, if your macros are not already prominently promoted, now is the time. Ideally, of course, we could host the macros, but if licensing is an issue, then simply a link should seem a good start.



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