2006/1/15, Daniel Carrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Enrique Castro wrote:
> > What about the -headless mode?
> It still requires X.
> > By invoking OOo from commandline with -headless will be possible to run a
> > macro _without_ X being up and running? (but perhaps installed)
> It certainly has to be installed. And there's no good reason why a
> server should have X installed. Arend Beelen (ODF) tried that approach.
> Here's a bit of his email:
> <quote>
> First of all, there's no way to get OpenOffice.org to run on a Linux
> server without having X installed. So, I started by loading a huge load
> of crap on my server, just to satisfy OpenOffice.org. When I had done
> that I tried using the command line interface  of OOo which wouldn't
> work because it couldn't connect to the X screen (why it really wants to
> connect to X when running on the command-line, even with the headless
> option, is beyond me). I read somewhere this could be solved by
> running a VNC X server and let OOo connect to that, but that was
> basically the point where I thought getting it to work would be more
> trouble than it was worth.
> </quote>

I found this in the AndrewMacro document:
"Yet another Hal Vaughan question and Mathias Bauer answer.
Is there any reason to use the regular API calls instead of calling
the dispatcher with the function name?
Dispatch calls do not work on a document without a UI. If OOo is run
in a real "server" mode (something that could happen in the OOo2.0
release) where documents can be loaded and scripted without any GUI,
only macros using the "real" API will work."

Did Arend Beelen use dispatching or regular API calls?

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