Chad Smith wrote:
Microsoft Office 2003 has an XML format, (and has for 3 years).  It's a
different format than the one they are planning to use in the next version
of MSO, but it is XML.

It's not the default though. And that format is dead. It won't be supported in future versions. It wasn't really more than an experiment.

Is obviously what?  I don't see the rest of that sentence.  Did it get cut
off somehow?

Oops. I began writing something, then started deletting, and forgot to finish composing that sentence.

The MS Office format is largely derivative of OpenDocument. I probably shouldn't say "obviously" because that's only obvious to someone familiar with the format.

If you were going to say "obviously a copycat of" I'd find
that ironic when you say in the same email...

No reason we can't edit that list a little to make it fit OOo. We can

It's not always wrong to be a copycat. The fact that MS Office's format is a copycat of OpenDocument is not wrong. Using compressed XML files is a good design decision and you shouldn't do something else just to be different (the NIH syndrome). The MS Office format would be even better if it copied more from OpenDocument. It should be a JAR archive (like ODF) and it should reuse existing standards (like ODF).

In fact... I wish MS Office would copy *everything* from ODF :)

I think learning from your competition is an excellent way to grow.  I mean,
look at the success MS has had copying Apple.

/daniel can't believe he agreed with Chad on something

   \/_/    I am not over-weight, I am under-tall.

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