Nicu Buculei schreef:

Steven Pauwels wrote:

IMHO, it will take a hard-headed, thick-skinned, persistent fool to try and get the OOo community to wise up. Right now you people leave a very closed and unfriendly impression on anyone trying to help :)

But hey, who am I to say so...

I saw your efforts on Art and Marketing and i am somewhat sympathetic with your cause (being there, done that, hit the wall and get away). Also, I agree the community is not friendly enough and the project too cathedral-like.
I just don't agree with you about this specific point, easter-eggs.

Easter eggs are very child like :) and I am persistant.

My point: (again) how will OOo succeed if the community that drives it does not take its product seriously? That goes for marketing as for Easter eggs. I don't ware who done it. By doing it you just shut down a part of the market. Or don't you care?

Having a couple of easter-eggs does not mean the developers does not take the product seriously, it only reveals their human nature

I do not care if they play games or develop, because it is their personal choice. but the software is not only targetted at those who develop it. Human nature is not stupid. Human nature does not like people who laugh at their demand for clean and serious software. Easter eggs laugh at human nature.

Maybe I should use the egg to market OOo... 'hey boss, if I am tired of working, I can play starwars :):)'

There is that so-called category of "power users". For them easter-eggs are effective marketing tools (with a rationale like this: i know the easter-eggs -> i am a master of this software -> will recommend to others)

And yet again it seems that not everyone is targetted :)

As an employer, I can tell you that I want my employee's to work the hours I pay. If they want to play a silly arcade game, they should go to the arcade.

As an employer, you already have a problem if your employees play games behind your back. Honestly, you can't stop them by force, try other strategies, like leave them to incorporate their easter-eggs in the products you make, this way you will have happier and more productive employees.

Very loud laughter here :)
My employees do not play games behind my beck because they understand the simple fact that I pay for every hour they work. They also know that playing games gets them fired. And that is only fair. I pay to work and not to play.

There is no more way to tell a big part of my social network that I trust OOo completely. Its been raided by Dart Vader...

Sure you can trust OOo completely: download the source, comment out the easter-eggs, compile it and the result is clean.


If anyone can give me one good reason (fun is not a good reason... sorry) why a spreadsheet program should have a starwars game, I will

I can't give a better answer than that: developers are not robots, they are humans. If one try to force them to stop making easter-eggs, probably they will quit spreadsheet development and go making games development. And maybe include spreadsheets as easter-eggs in their games.

Well, as humans, they are fully capable of making choices. I would encourage the ones responsible for 'the aga has even hit OOo' to take it out or leave. Compile me a clean OOo version and have fun on your own time. Emplyers want productivity and sure... developers want fun too... but why laugh at a world full of employers by putting something as stupid as a game in supposebly serious software?

make it my mission to personally visit Mr. Gates to say that excel does not have all components a good spreadsheet should have... it lacks arcade gaming... or did they take it to the X-box?

No need, to visit Mr. Gates, his software is already full of easter-eggs.

So they really are supposed to be there? Where was it in visicalc? Didn't see it there?

Steven P.

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