C Cichocki schreef:

Steven Pauwels wrote:

C Cichocki schreef:

Steven Pauwels wrote:

Emmanuel Mortier schreef:

Dear Sir,

During our last meeting of the "Liege Linux Team" (LiLiT), a member shows me the game "starwar" available on the openoffice calc.

It's a pity to fall down on the same problem as commercial softwares. One of the argument for the open source software is, "this program do what he says to do, not more".

I understand a program is more and more heavier to add functionnality or possibilities I probably never use (but others users can use). But I cannot undersand to add 'hidden' functions , for the fun. It's far away from the alternate way we promote.

Please think about the open-source philisophy before to add this kind of thinks. If I want a small game, I install a game, If i want a 100% serious office program it must be 100% serious.

You do a fantastic work for the future of the world, congratulations!! Please, don't fall down of so a detail.

Best regards,

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Hi all,

Very funny indeed... and I really hope there are no business-prospects reading this list...

This is ecactly the thing that works against you! How about confidence... Is it not hard enough to break trough the barrier set by MS is it is?
Confidence should be one of our key elements!!!!!

I agree with Emmanuel! How do you want me to go to a prospect and convince them OOo is trustworthy when they can read about these childlike things when followin a major discussion list?

Again : I have seen it in other immature OS projects and it is a matter of being professional or not. these things just are not done.

Well, I hope I get trough to someone here... Will I have to continue starting discussions on things that bug people or will someone finally sit down and think about the furure of OOo?

I don't blame anyone, point no fingers, but am merely pointing out that is it time to move to the next level!

Steven P.

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Level as defined by ???? you perhaps?

Shall we all dance to your tune or shall we all sign into a monastery for self flagellation as penance for daring to inject some levity into this thread.

Relaxation therapy could be called for here.. as for the MS 'Barrier' that exists only because they have dominance and that mostly because of all the Pirate copies in use. Their current licenceing policy, Pricing and crackdown on illegal copies will push people across to OOo Where if the newcomers find it full of stuffed shirts they will wander off to 602 suite.

Good software will win in the end backed by price, if you honestly consider that a problem discussion thread with a slight humorous aside to it is going to influence anyone in using the software then simply DON't show it to them..

Best Regards


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Hi Chris,

Haw about changing the 'best regards' to what you want to say? :)

Do as you please, Dance or don't dance. I do not care.

You should not take things personally :) its not productive.

I like the hard reactions to a simple statement :) protectionism, it is called I believe, trying to swing someone of his feet by using hard reaction :)

Good lick :)

Steven P

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Hi Steven

I said exactly what I wanted to say, That is why I typed it like that? Where you get the personally from I have no Idea, I simply disagree with your viewpoint on this matter. I think it is a touch over reactionary. I don't "know" you at all, let alone well enough to make any Personal comments and if I did it would not be in a public forum.

Dance or don't dance, come on, level with me, who calls the tune.. Perhaps just a schnapps and a beer instead.

As for the regards, Politeness costs nothing and never hurts I was told, Is That wrong Then.. What would you have me say? I am also very intrigued as to what you thought I 'wanted' to say instead.

I'll try again



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Hi Chris,

Think you kwow what I mean: try and keep a friendly tone to your posts, even if you do not agree, even if you are giving criticism on someone. Its more fun that way :-P btw, I am a huge space invaders fan :)

Cheers :)

Steven P

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