On Thu, 2006-02-23 at 13:31 +0100, Nicolas Mailhot wrote:

> For those reasons intranet web offices have probably a bright future but I
> wouldn't bet on their internet conterparts. People still buy personal
> safes instead of using third-party wharehouses.

Really? I thought banks were still the most popular way of storing
significant amounts of money

> (especially since most internet web-somethings are american and other
> countries find the US approach to personal data safety appaling)

Bit of a parochial view. Globalisation means that you might not even
have your bank account where you think it is :-)

People do in fact lodge their important deeds such as wills with third
parties - its often more secure than keeping it at home under the bed.
But you do have choice about who you trust these things with. While
there is competition to drive quality that trust will probably not be
abused. If there is one monopoly supplier - Google, Microsoft or
whoever, then it would be a lot more worrying.

Ian Lynch

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