On Wed, 2006-04-26 at 12:18 +0200, Jozef Peterka wrote:
> Probably, I dont understant, and you dont understand me ...
> I am using opensource alternatives ( Evolution/Kontact ), BUT how can so
> "called" promoters of OOo expect to use it widely, if it has not the
> same "components" as its competitor, and even MORE? I mean MS office.
> And who said, there can not be made a better mail/PIM application than
> Evolution, Kontact, Thunderbird or whatever ? ? ? They are NOT far as
> flawless as it is claimed to be !
> Please, reply my post, if you still dont understant my point. 

I understand your point, but in the end it comes down to priorities for
resources. If there are already open source resources available it seems
sensible to develop them rather than start from scratch. But even then
it takes some resource to do it. In an ideal world there would be
unlimited resources to make all aspects of Open Source perfect but its
not an ideal world. Those that pay the piper call the tune. We can lobby
for the things we want here - and mail client is a popular request - but
in the end the only way to be certain to get what you want is to do it
yourself. At least that is an option even if not realistic for you at
this point in time. If all the people that had requested a mail client
could get together and put $10 in a development kitty it might happen
but someone would have to coordinate that effort and people ould have to
be prepared to put their money in.

Ian Lynch

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