Hi there!

Robert Derman wrote:
M. Fioretti wrote:

Amen Marco! I have always despised Issuezill, and I think nearly everyone who is not a hardcore computer nerd does. It is just FAR to difficult for any newbies!

Well, maybe issuezilla is too difficult for "newbies" but an email with just the subject "It does not work fix it" and no text at all to a mailing list is well just too simple for a developer. The "newbie" user is not the typical user of issuezilla typical users of issuezilla are developers, people doing QA, people doing documentation, people doing UX work etc., etc. that is people which organise and priorize their work and communication around OOo and those need clear descriptions about problems and features and they do need just a set of background information about things etc. pp., which might be seen excess of information to others not being involved with that work. In order to do this, to organise the work and communication of those stakeholders unfortunatly something that looks a little a bit to complicated for "newbies" is needed.

Those feeling uncomfortable with reporting problems and/or feature wishes in issuezilla have always still the possibility to talk on the users or native-lang-users mailing lists and try to find someone being more involved with QA or UX work on OOo to move that problem or feature wish to issuezilla.

Kind regards,
Bernd Eilers

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