Tim Fairchild said on 09.04.2007 00:55:
On Monday 09 April 2007 04:46, Peter Reaper wrote:
Michael Adams said on 08.04.2007 15:59:
 ******* on about the punctuation in an email just makes you look
like a smartass. Not that the other posts don't help.
Umm, ******* on about being disinterested in clear and correct use of
language makes you look like an idiot.
Hey, you're goody-two-shoes filter-censor missed "smartass".

That would be 'your'  ;)


Pot, kettle, black.

Wrong analogy. I never claimed that others must be grammatically perfect. OTOH I *do'* appreciate the correction. So yes, pot - kettle - black would apply there. :-P

Peter Reaper

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