Peter Reaper wrote:
Vince Castanza said on 08.04.2007 07:10:
To make a long story short: This problem would have been avoided if I

had actually enabled the very useful "Always Create Backup Copy" option.
Has there been any discussion about enabling this option by default?

This should not be on by default because:

1. Current operating systems are *very stable*

2. Important (mission-critical) files should be *backed-up* every day

3. The *resulting clutter* of all duplicate files all the time is not worth the *extremely rare* ocurrence of someone somewhere saving a file.

how about a "allow OpenOffice to use XXXX amount of harddrive space
automatically for backups" I understand the double-the-space
requirements and problems that this option poses. However, how about
prompting the user at install time?

OS's and PC might be very stable, but it is the electrical environment which is not stable in many parts of the world (Power outs plus spikes). It is also in such areas where IT skills and support are in very short supply. UPS's are purpose made to keep the TV going at a thief's home. Doing a regular backup is often almost an impossibility as even CD writers tend to fail under such circumstances. Servers etc are quite often dreams for the next decade. Educating people to make backups under such conditions are almost impossible - as the tools to do so are seldom available.

Add to this dust, and hard drives tend to have quite short lives :-) I've managed to recover quite often using auto saved/backuped documents after a sector went bad.

One can't appreciate the value of a few large memory sticks enough in such areas!

The short of the story: It would be wonderful to have Auto Save/Auto Backup as the default installation options!

But then, I guess not many users are in these harsh kind of environments.



PS: At present I work in a nice stable clean office environment. But the above was reality where I worked a year ago.

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