I am a new convert from Microsoft Office to OpenOffice, and I must say that I 
have completely made the shift, from using OpenOffice, to creating document in 
the open document format. I made an effort to disseminate the application to my 
students as well, believing in the creed of the opensource community in general.

I do have a suggestion for improving the OpenOffice suite. I tried to use the 
link to Feature Implementation, but didn't quite understand how to do it, so I 
opted to email instead - implying that I am no computer programmer, so pardon 
this email, as I know it would take up resources and time for you guys to read.

Since one of the goals of OpenOffice is to become a (the most) powerful 
productivity suite, maybe one of the applications which should be included in 
the suite is a PDF viewer/reader/editor. Since Writer can export to PDF, 
perhaps OO should have a PDF application of its own. As I understand, PDF is a 
preferred format especially for business and commercial document sharing, so I 
guess it would really make OO a productive and power office suite if it had 
one. I myself prefer this format when students pass online papers for a number 
of reasons. That way, there wouldn't be a need to have a separate application 
to view PDF documents you are working on.

I think there's really no need to elaborate it as I would think most readers 
would understand the point in all of this.

I have not really done a thorough search, if in case this feature is already 
available in OO 2.2 and I am the only one not knowledgeable about it, so pardon 
me. I would however appreciate it if I could be informed of the latter. Thanks.

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