On Thu, 3 May 2007, Robert Derman wrote:

IMHO all that is really needed is a program to convert PDFs to ODF files. Once they are in the ODF form, OOo can then edit them.

Interesting, except that PDF is a wrapper format and could contain just about anything.

Anyway, as mentioned editing PDFs largely goes against their apparent purpose which is as a terminal stage format. It's not for working documents. Data spends a while in PDF form before heading off to the printer and then the circular file system.

What might be more useful is to get to the bottom of why PDF editing is being requested and see if there isn't a more efficient and/or appropriate way to accomplish the same thing.

I would suspect that PDF is being used a lot more than it used to be for platform- and software-independent exchange of finished documents. And, not knowing the limitations inherent in the format, people are now wishing to do the same with working documents. If that guess is correct, then promoting awareness of and use of OOo's default file format, OpenDocument aka ISO/IEC 26300, would be the way to go.

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