On Sat, 2008-07-05 at 10:01 +0100, Brad Rogers wrote:
> On Fri, 4 Jul 2008 16:41:39 -0700
> "Kurt Semler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Kurt,
> > For the people wanting an eMail client with OpenOffice.org, what
> > about bundling Evolution with the office suite?
> > http://www.dipconsultants.com/evolution/
> (This is purely my opinion, and not the official stance)
> First, because however plainly it's spelt out, people will expect
> support from the same places they get their support for OOo from.

That's easy, just direct them to an evolution support group. 

>   Now,
> whilst there are people here that could well answer those questions,
> those questions would still be better asked in an Evolution specific
> forum.

If there is demand the community will create one. If there is that much
demand it means that it has almost certainly been good for OOo.
Companies form alliances all the time for mutual benefit. I can't see
any reason why FOSS projects shouldn't do the same. In any case, all it
requires is a link to where mail clients can be found. It is not
necessary to have the actual download files hosted with OOo.

> Second, by bundling any email package with OOo there is, from a
> *user's* PoV an implied "approval" of said package and feeling that it's
> the only thing that'll work with OOo.  The former /might/ be true, but
> the latter certainly isn't.

See above. This is a marketing/sales issue. If a sales objection is
"There is no e-mail client" and we provide the answer we make another
sale. If we don't provide a satisfactory answer we lose a customer. The
exact method of providing a solution to the customer is not the issue,
what matters is missing an opportunity to make a sale. 

> Third, free software is all about choice - by bundling Evolution with
> OOo there's an apparent reduction of choice due to perceptions arising
> from points made in the previous paragraph.

We are not reducing choice by informing a customer of how to solve a
problem, we are enabling them to make a FOSS choice when they might
reject that option altogether.

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