Hi *,

Some time agoo, Michael Meeks posted a proposal on a different structure for the community council (CC). This was partly discussed, but fragmented on various lists.

With thanks to Michael for his initial contribution, the CC now likes to bring the discussion to one place, this discussion list.

The original proposal can be found in the archives: see http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=dev&msgNo=22513

Summarized it says:

9 seats in the community council;
5 representatives of the group corporate and volunteer developers,
    voting by people who commit code/art/translations to CVS
1 representative appointed by Sun
2 representatives out of the group translators
    voting by people who commit code/art/translations to CVS
1 representative out of the group community
    voting by all community members

The current structure of the CC, voting and so on, is explained on the OOo website. See: http://council.openoffice.org/CouncilProposal.html chapter IV

The major difference between the current en proposed structure is that currently voting for the most seats is done by project leads and in the proposed structure can be done by all members who contribute code/art/translations to CVS.

The idea behind the proposal is that a broader electoral base will attract more people to be active in the community.

We invite people to post their contributions now on this list.
Please obey the guidelines for our mailing lists, to help the discussion. See http://www.openoffice.org/ml_guidelines.html


Cor Nouws
CC member

"The Year of 3" -2008- "Het jaar van 3"

Cor Nouws - Arnhem - Netherlands
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