
Ian Lynch schrieb:
On Thu, 2008-07-10 at 11:07 +0900, Kazunari Hirano wrote:
Hi Cor, Andre, Sophie and the list,

On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 2:36 AM, André Schnabel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
As said - there for I'd like to see that all community members are eligible

+1 and Hirano, your proposal seems the most democratically
representative so far.

I agree in general, but am cautious about raising the number of council members without changing other parts of the charter.

I esp. think of the consensus voting here. Actually the council needs to vote by consensus (all voting mebers need to agree to a proposal - it is enough to have one absent vote to get a proposal delayed). Already now with 9 members, it is hard to reach consensus (and in many cases we did not reach consensus for years). With 12 Members this would even get harder. To try to reach consensus is extremely important in such a diverse community as OOo actually is. But to be strictly bound to consensus is (imo) counterproductive.

At the moment I'dlike to see the council changed stepwise - first step, make it more open for people to join. Next step(s) allow it to work more efficently. If we would try to change to much at a time, we will end up debating for ages (and get no changes at all for a long time). So - I'm just heading for "release early - release often" ;)


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