On Tue, 07 Oct 2008 10:08:55 +0100
Came this utterance fomulated by Martin Bloomberg to my mailbox:

> I have been a user of Lotus 123 for many years
> One function I miss in Open Office is the Paste Special option to
> paste Column Widths and Row Heights
> I do use this useful option quite often and would like to suggest that
> the function be added if possible

IBM have a product which incorporates Lotus 123 IIUC.

OpenOffice.org has it's own function for adjusting column and row

If you still wish for your feature, you can add it as a RFE to the issue
list and see if it gets enough votes.

You may wish to provide a better description of the functionality you
desire. You may find it actually exists in a different form to that
which you are used to, making it a migration issue. Without the 123
experience i don't understand sufficiently from your explaination what
you are used to doing.


All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall
be well

 - Julian of Norwich 1342 - 1416

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