
Dr. Bernhard Dippold schrieb:
The present version of the charter mentions Community Managers as eligible for a Project Lead seat (IV.A.i.c+d) even without being Lead of any project. This was modified for the future version: A Community Manager must be Project Lead to be eligible.

I didn't know if this was on purpose - therefore my question.

It was on purpose, but you miss a change in the meaning of the sections wrong.

old IV.A. is about "who are the members and whom do they represent". Top 1 speaks about "the project leads" - explicitly including the Community Manager as being allowed to represent the group of project leads. But at the sametime restricting the eligibility to "project leads plus communitymanager"

the new charter proposal does not speak about "x project leads" but about "Code Contributor / Product Development *Representatives*". ' There is no restriction to "project lead" in this. In addition to this, please note that for every group (but Sun Staff member) the term *representative* is used. This is on purpose - as the people in the council should reprecent a group of people - but to represent a group, you do not necessaily need to be member of this group. You indeed need the supoort and trust of the people you represent (as they first need to elect you). So - the new proposal is much more open as the current charter is. Threfore we have in "Each OpenOffice.org community member is eligible for any of the council seats.".

I hope, this satifies your concerns.


I am also a lead in the Website Project, an Accepted Project.

I know - and you do much more... :-)

He might be included as "Sun Staff Member", but the only part where
Community Managers are mentioned is the one about approving
modifications to the charter.

You misread my roles and also the CC, and forget history :-)

I didn't forget history - I didn't know lots of it at all ;-)

For me it has never been important in which role you are part of the Council - I can't imagine it without you.

But for the "time after Louis" the change to the charter is reasonable - any Community Manager will have to work not only for the community but inside the project too, if he is interested in a seat in the council.

Mentioning Community Managers in the part about changes to the charter seems to have a different reason.

Best regards


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