Hi Effie,

I'm not quite sure whether there's a difference for you between "types of 
fixes" and "types of defects = bugs". The distinction doesn't seem to be 

Bjorn's list on "types of defects" contains some classics but misses the work 
of Basili, e.g. 
* Victor R. Basili, Barry T. Perricone: Software errors and complexity: an 
empirical investigation, Communications of the ACM, Volume 27, Issue 1 (January 
1984), Pages: 42 - 52. 
* Michael Fredericks, Victor Basili. Using Defect Tracking and Analysis to 
Improve Software Quality, DACS State-of-the-Art Report SP0700-98-4000, Data & 
Analysis Center for Software, 14 November 1998 
This may only be interesting to computer scientists, though.

Beizer's extensive taxonomy can be found online here: 

Interesting (and including a comparative section on defect taxonomies) but 
maybe out of focus are more general papers on using and designing defect 
* Brian Marick. A survey of software fault surveys. Technical Report 
UIUCDCS-R-90-1651, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, December 1990.
* Bernd Freimut. Developing and Using Defect Classification Schemes. Report 
Fraunhofer IESE-072.01/E, Sep. 1, 2001. 

I'd like to add that in many cases a taxonomy of programmer (i.e. human) errors 
are much more interesting from a research point of view compared to studying 
the results, i.e. the "bugs".

I don't know of any discussion about how general programming errors relate to 
user interface design errors. I guess there are only few because interface 
defects are mainly due to wrong guessing and missing knowledge at the UI design 
level. Usability issues aren't often registered as software defects, since in 
most cases the software still seem to work - from a pure functional point of 
view. Of course, that's an ignorant point of view.


Software Engineering Working Group
Institut für Informatik
Freie Universitaet Berlin
Takustr. 9, 14195 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 838 75239

> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf Of Bjorn Reese
> Sent: Thursday, November 24, 2005 6:56 PM
> To: discuss@ppig.org
> Subject: Re: PPIG discuss: Typology of software bug/usability 
> problem fixes
> Effie Law wrote:
> > I'll much appreciate if you could give me some good 
> references for the 
> > following topics:
> > 
> > (1) the distinction between software bugs and usability problems
> > (2) typology of  fixes for software bugs
> There are a whole range of software bug taxonomies. Some examples are:
>    IEEE Std 1044-1993: Standard Classification for Software Anomalies,
> http://standards.ieee.org/reading/ieee/std_public/description/
> se/1044-1993_desc.html
>    Ram Chillarege et al., Orthogonal Defect Classification,
>    http://www.chillarege.com/odc/odc-papers.html
>    Boris Beizer, Software Testing Techniques, Van Nostrand 
> Reinhold Co.,
>    1990.
>    Cem Kaner & Jack Falk & Hung Quoc Nguyen, Testing Computer 
> Software,
>    Wiley, 1999.
>    Matt Telles & Yuan Hsieh, The Science of Debugging, Coriolis, 2001.
>    Robert Metzger, Debugging by Thinking, Elsevier, 2004.
> > (3) typology of fixes for usability problems
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